How to keep your car safe in a heatwave

Whether you’re on the road or at home, here’s what you can do to stay safe when the temperature rises.


16 January 2025

What to do when driving in a heatwave

  • Melting tarmac: In the heat, the road can get soft and sticky. This makes it harder to steer and stop your car. So, slow down if you see the road is starting to melt. Bumps and grooves left by big vehicles like lorries are a sure sign the tarmac’s softer than it should be.
  • Faded lines: Road markings can start to disappear in the sun. Be careful when lines are hard to see. Make sure to follow parking rules even if the yellow lines are faint. If you spot a line that’s completely faded, tell your local council.
  • Broken-down cars: Cars break down in extreme heat. Be careful and drive slowly past any cars you see parked on the side of the road. There could be passengers on the road or verge.
  • Take travel advice: Tune in to the local weather forecast to make sure you’re properly prepped for your trip. The Met Office will send out an alert in extreme heat – take heed and reschedule if the temperature rises to uncomfortable levels.

How to park in a heatwave

  • Seek shade: To keep your car cool when it's parked, look for a shady spot if you can. Also, consider using a sun shade. Make sure the shiny side of the shade faces out of the car for the best results.
  • Close your windows: Leaving your windows or sunroof open invites thieves. So, make sure they're closed and locked when you leave your car. Your Swiftcover car insurance won’t be able to help if items are lost or stolen because of windows being left open.
  • Don't leave anyone in the car: On hot days, never leave kids, pets, or vulnerable adults in your car. Inside it will get really hot, really quickly!

What to do in a heatwave if you have an electric car:

  • Battery struggles: Your EV battery won't work as well in the heat. Your car might not go as far on a single charge, and it might take longer to charge. Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going.
  • Protect the battery: Don't leave your electric car in the heat for too long. Try to park in the shade or a garage.

Want more tips?

From checking your tyres, to packing the essentials, check out our summer road trip hacks for more ways you can make your summer travels, tip-top.